Hi guys! Today I wanted to share my reading goals for 2019 with you! (As you might have already seen in the title)
Through Goodreads I set a goal of reading 35 books this year, since I reached around 25-30 books last year. A little improvement :)
I also want to finish series I already started reading, but haven't finished yet, such as the Throne of Glass series (3 books left), the Hungergames, which I'm actually rereading and The Illuminae Files. I suck at finishing series, or standalone books (for example: Insomnia by Stephen King), and I have no clue why. What I do know, is that I'm going to finish something first before starting something else this year.
I also want to set some goals for my bookstagram this year (@daphnesbooks). I want to take more time to take pictures of good quality. I used to just grab a book, put it on the floor, take a picture and post it. I didn't really use my creativity, but this year that's something that I really want to change. I already started doing this, as you can see by the picture below :)

I hope that I will be able to achieve my goals this year, I'm going to try my very best to :)
xx Daphne
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