The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian - review

Published on 31 October 2018 at 10:35

Hi everyone!




Here I am again, with some serious booktalk!


I had to read this book called 'The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian' by Sherman Alexie, and it was quite interesting.

Since this book is not that popular (for as far as I know) I figured I'd talk to you guys about it, and give my opinion.


So I read this book about 2 weeks ago. My opinion looking back on it: it was an interesting book to read. So let me tell you what it was about:


We follow the adventures of Arnold Junior Spirit, an Indian who lives in a reservation. As the book went on, we learned that he was going to follow his dream, which is why he decided to transfer to a school in Reardon, where only not-indians go to school. A lot of stuff happens through the stories he writes about his life, as a part-time indian.


So here's my review! (via goodreads)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had to read this book for my English lessons in school. We read it online, but we could listen to it too. Since I had never actually listened to a book, I thought I'd do that! And honestly, it was kind of nice to listen. I could 'read' and do something else at the same time!

It was a very interesting book to read. But it didn't really have a storyline. Certain things happened at the most random moments, and not everything was important to the story. There were moments where I was actually like: huh? When did that happen? Just like that?

But, the main character was well-written. When I was halfway trough, I was starting to sympathize with Arnold, and I still don't really know why. I think it was because, no matter what happened to him, he kept following his dreams, he didn't give up.
The other characters were vaguely described, and some of them acted different in different moments.

In the end, I really enjoyed listening to the book, and if you want to read something interesting, then this is something you should read.

View all my reviews

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